Busy today. Got up and ate a light breakfast and was down to the visitors center at 8:00am when they opened. Toured thru the museum and took in the Cyclorama program. Absolutely fantastic !! The Cyclorama was painted in the 1880’s by a Frenchman and was restored several years ago and is now housed in a new visitors center that is turning 4 years old. Took a tour bus from there to the Eisenhower Gettysburg farm. It was a very interesting and informative tour to see where Ike and Mamie spent some time during the Presidency. The tour bus driver personally knows the Eisenhower family as he grew up in Gettysburg; so he had some very interesting tales that he related to us. After getting back to the visitors center from the farm, we went on a self-guided auto tour of the Battlefield. Very interesting to see; however one cannot see all the monuments as Gettysburg is said to have more monuments than any other site in the world! I believe it. After the tour we stopped for lunch and then left Gettysburg. We was planning to drive thru the Penn Dutch area of York and Lancaster to get to Philly, but decided to reroute to a little faster route. Cannot see everything I guess. Here at our hotel now just outside oh Philly and plan on getting up to go to Independence Park in the AM. Lottsa fun !!
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